Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Querencia Final Draft

         When times get rough and i feel like im shattered in a million pieces i find myself saying " I just wanna go home ", The only place i can pull myself together and blow off all the uneccesary stress. After long days of stressful homework, bad practices or negative people it feels great to come home where i feel like myself and to the people that only lift me higher.
       I throw off my footwear and open the cold screen door, the chilly wind blew threw my body refreshing my skin. " Finally home " I queitly said to myself. Throwing my 100 pound bag on the floor felt like a relief, but yet i still feel so much weight on my shoulders bringing me more down and down each and every day. All the problems rushed through my head making me over think," why do I care about other people's opinions? " " why do I try so hard on things but never get exactly what I want?" I ask myslef while tears slowly roll down my face.
          I take a glance of all the pictures and memories scattered all along my wall, each and every picture has such a special meaning. Pictures with my family, friends, all my achievements and each and every moment I was the happiest. This gave me a pleasing reality check, reminding me how much I achieved, how much great things I do, and how i always strive and try my best. Giving me a positive attitude towards myself.  
         My family's comfort is nothing compared to anyone else's. Unlike other people I'd rather stay home and spend quality time with my family then go out with my friends. When it comes to my grandmas baking, my brothers jokes, or my moms lectures these always tend to soothe me down. 
       Rather then other places, Home is where i can be myself. Where everyone accecpts me for who i am and i dont have to impress anyone.Where I can think things out and be with the people that make me the happiest. All the drama and issues become nothing to me, There really is " no  place like home ".

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