Tuesday, May 20, 2014


hi mom, this is my second semester portfolio which has some of the assignments we worked on this year and GLOS. After you are done looking over it answer this question,
" What did you learn about your child's achievements and experiences in MeneMAC this past year?"
thankyou (:


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Merchant of Venice final

          In the book " The Merchant Of Venice " by shakespeare is about a merchant named Antonio who helps his best friend named Bassanio to borrow money to see the love of his life named Portia. Antonio and Bassanio had to make a deal with the loaner named Shylock in order to get the money they needed. Contraversery then occurs when Antonio isn't able to pay Shylock back.In this book it shows how money, religion, and love can clash and can cause problems in peoples lives. Shylock is the most vivid and memorable character in this book by having a bad reputation.He has a dash of sour and sweet and has very unique personality. 
           Shylock is a selfish and stubborn man, Espically to his daughter named Jessica. Shylock, being a Jewish man is against Jessica being in love with a Christian man. When shylock finds out Jessica runs away with Lorenzo  he seems to be more worried about the gold Jessica stole rather then his own daughter. " I wish my daughter were dead at my feet and the ducats in her coffin! " ( 3.1.75) This shows that shylock is more concerned about his money then his daughter running away.
             When shylock gives a loan to Antonio he asks for a pound of Antonio's flesh as a guarantee to close the deal. " I'll have my bond;  speak not against my bond!" ( 3.15) This proves that shylock is furious about Antonio not being able to pay him back and that he needs his money.  " wouldn't any man want to kill the thing he hates." (4.1.67) This showes that shylock gives no pity about taking a pound of flesh from Antonio even if that means killing him also. He only cares about receiving his money.
          Throughout the book we also learn that shylock isn't only selfish, but he is also very judgmental.  " I hate him because he is a Christian. " He has no respect towards Christians and is a victim for racism. Shylocks attitude makes him look like the bad person in this book, he doesn't approve of his daughter being in love with a Christian. " I've lost a father and you've lost a daughter " ( 2.5.55)  Because of Shylocks strong hate towards Christians Jessica wants to run away from her father to be with Lorenzo. This shows that maybe Jessica is embarrassed  by the way her father treats Christians which is why Jessica doesn't want to be a Jew, she wants to be a Christian.
            Shylock has built his entire life around money and himself, he has many negative characteristics. This caused shylock to be left with nothing.  He lost his daughter, humiliated in court, and most importantly he lost his wealth. This book " The Merchant Of Venice " shows that if you only care about money, you may become greedy and selfish. Money plays a very important role in some peoples life's and can change there attitude or how they are. This will not make you a happy person it will only make a broken.