Sunday, September 21, 2014

College essay final

 Prompt for university of Florida: We often hear the phrase "the good life." In fact, the University of Florida's common course required of all undergraduate students is titled "What is the Good Life?" 
        As a typical 6 year old I wanted to be a princess, living in a pink castle with a prince who  rode a white horse .As a 10 year old I wanted to be a Victoria secret model who  lived in a 10 story mansion with zac efron ( Ov course having a pool, bowling alley and a movie theater) . Now as a 15 year old, my perspective of the perfect life I wanted seemed to change. I no longer wanted to be a princess with a pink castle and being a Victoria secret model is the least of my worries.
        I  dream of waking  up to the smell of fresh coffee mingling in the air of my 2 story house in salt lake. Steadily putting on my auburn coat and touching up my make up, ready for another day of work. "Let's go guys " I shout to my kids at the doorstep . We all rush to the car,  knowing that we had a lot of traffic coming our way. I kiss my kids good bye and kept an eye on them while we drove away from kamehameha schools. The car got quiet and all I could hear was the breaks and engines of cars while we filled up all 3 lanes. I gaze at myself in the rear-view mirror while practicing lines, " Good morning Hawaii and welcome to KHON2 news " " The weather today is partly cloudy and there's a 60% chance of rain ".  I giggled  then turned into the parking lot of the building. I sit in my car for approximately 10 minutes , staring at the " KHON 2 NEWS " sign. I look back to my high school days. late night studying, room filled with homework and those nights where I would get absolutely no sleep.  All this hard work and dedication led me into the right pathway of getting into college.  I now think about my family,Being able to support them by putting dinner on the table every night  and always teaching them how to make the right decisions.  Having a good paying job , enough to pay all the bills and  having spending money for my family. Thinking about how far I've made it and how all the hard work paid off. Rather then being a Victoria secret model or a princess this is the definition of the " good life ". I want to have an average life, something simple so Ov course being married to zac efron is out of the picture.  Having a decent house, a family and having a job that I love to do. 
         At the end of our lives,  we all want to feel  that we lived the life we were born to live. Taking chances and  risks  will help us learn from our mistakes and shape us into better people, hopefully to  also  not make the same mistakes again.  A life full of doing bad things will only leave us with a life full of regrets. Setting goals for yourself and never giving up can give you the " good life". The good life is  going to be able to look back at all the hard work and accomplishments I did to build me into the strong and successful women I wish to be.

Friday, September 12, 2014

word choice olympics

1.) Joe shrieked to his kids to stay in the house while going grocery shopping for dinner. He hurried to his car and thrusted the gas pedal. As he searched for cabbage , kalua pig, and rice for dinner he worried about is children so called his house phone to see if they would answer. * ring ring ring* " NO ANSWER " joe yelled nervously.  Sprinting outside foodland to get to his car he saw his 3 children standing in the middle of the road. He fell to his knees while they ran to his arms saying " daddy we missed you, don't leave us at home by ourselves. "

2.) It was a chilly evening in zombie land, Sarah rushed to find dinner before the sun went down. She searched for 3 hours and ran miles that she couldn't even keep count of. The growl in her stomach was unbearable. " guess no dinner for me tonight, maybe better luck tomorrow " sarah sighed. Walking back to her cave she discerned that someone was following her. Sarah slowly turned, seeing a crowd of zombies following her. She hurried and grabbed her gun out of her pocket, hopefully making it out alive.

3.) " The competition will start in less than 30 minutes, GOOD LUCK!" the officials yelled. Emree and jocelyn sat nervously on the bleachers, patiently waiting for there names to be called. " Emree and jocelyn, you're up! " they took a deap breathe and wiped the sweat off there palms. Jocelyn served the ball, spiking it to the other side of the net. The other team missed the ball and let it strike the ground. " CONGRATULATIONS GIRLS, YOU WON!" the officials yelled estatically. The crowd went wild and the girls leaped from the ground.

4.) Kelly woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs mingling in the air. She walked to her calendar and striked out " May 30th: First day of 2nd grade". She quickly put on her uniform and sprinted outside. While driving to Salt lake Elementary, Kelly spilled chocolate milk all over her uniform. She kept it a secret until her mom noticed while walking into her classroom. " why didn't you tell me earlier?!" she shouted.

5.) Sarah silently walked down her stairs, expecting to see balloons and presents filling up the living room. " good morning sarah" her mom said. The living room looked ordinary, no balloons, no presents. " good morning mom" she sighed. " hurry up and get ready, you have school". sarah disappointingly walked back up and got ready. she couldn't focus at school, all she thought about was her family forgetting about her birthday. while completing her assignment her teacher shouted " Sarah go to the office you have paper to pick up ". She grabbed her books and quietly walked out while her teacher continued her lecture. She opened the door and saw a crowd of her friends  and family shouting " surprise " 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

College essay rough draft

 Prompt for university of Florida: We often hear the phrase "the good life." In fact, the University of Florida's common course required of all undergraduate students is titled "What is the Good Life?" 
                If you were to ask random people " what  is the good life " each person would give you a different answer. Everyone has there own perspective of what is important to make there life a good one and  has total control to make this life possible.  People see the " good life " as getting into there dream college , having  a good job or even being able to wake up every day. 
        As a typical 6 year old I wanted to be a princess, living in a pink castle with a prince who  rode a white horse .As a 10 year old I wanted to be a Victoria secret model who  lived in a 10 story mansion with zac efron ( Ov course having a pool, bowling alley and a movie theater) . Now as a 15 year old, my perspective of the perfect life I wanted seemed to change. I no longer wanted to be a princess with a pink castle and being a Victoria secret model is the least of my worries.
        I  dream of waking  up to the smell of fresh coffee mingling in the air of my 2 story house in salt lake. Steadily putting on my auburn coat and touching up my make up, ready for another day of work. "Let's go guys " I shout to my kids at the doorstep . We all rush to the car,  knowing that we had a lot of traffic coming our way. I kiss my kids good bye and kept an eye on them while we drove away from kamehameha schools. The car got quiet and all I could hear was the breaks and engines of cars while we filled up all 3 lanes. I gaze at myself in the rear-view mirror while practicing lines, " Good morning Hawaii and welcome to KHON2 news " " The weather today is partly cloudy and there's a 60% chance of rain ".  I giggled  then turned into the parking lot of the building. I sit in my car for approximately 10 minutes , staring at the " KHON 2 NEWS " sign. I look back to my high school days. late night studying, room filled with homework and those nights where I would get absolutely no sleep.  All this hard work and dedication led me into the right pathway of getting into college.  I now think about my family,Being able to support them by putting dinner on the table every night  and always teaching them how to make the right decisions.  Having a good paying job , enough to pay all the bills and  having spending money for my family. Thinking about how far I've made it and how all the hard work paid off.
         At the end of our lives,  we all want to feel  that we lived the life we were born to live. Taking chances and  risks  will help us learn from our mistakes and shape us into better people, hopefully to  also  not make the same mistakes again.  A life full of doing bad things will only leave us with a life full of regrets. Setting goals for yourself and never giving up can give you the " good life". The good life is  going to be able to look back at all the hard work and accomplishments I did to build me into the strong and successful women I wish to be.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

College prompts

1) University of Puget Sound:
- Descrive a place where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you?

2) Stanford University:
-Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

 3.) University of Washington
Choose from either A or B:
A: Discuss how your family's experience or cultural history enriched you or presented you with opportunities or challenges in pursuing your educational goals.
B: Tell us a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it.