Sunday, November 2, 2014

Risky business rough draft

             We live in an age in which for many of us, life without a cellphone would be inconceivable. Most teens say that cellphones have improved the quality of there life. Being able to reach out to someone in need without having face to face contact, Becoming a new form of entertainment such as playing games, going on social networks, etc. Cellphones may seem all "' fun and games ", but some users become to obsessed with this invention, causing mental, physical, and emotional problems. Comparing the effects from teens spending too much time on their cell phones, it would be to their benefit to limit the use because of the sleep deprivation, bad study habits, and lacking direct social skills.
              Cell phones are well known for causing sleep deprivation in teens. According to an article called screen retriever, Neuroscientists have discovered that bright screen lights from devices decrease Melatonin which in turn affect the bodies sleep/ wake cycles. This means that overusing cellphones at night will decrease the ability to sleep. Sleep is essential for a persons health and wellbeing. Getting a good night sleep helps you're brain  work properly and improves the ability to learn. According to an article by Heath Day, " The message is that adolescents who use their cell phones excessively are much more stressed, much more restless, much more fatigued and have a greater tendency to develop sleep deprivation as a result of their calling habits ". Teens feel like it is necessary to be around their phones 24/7, they feel pressured to he reachable and connected around the clock. Most sleep with there cell phones under pillows or in reachable areas to answer texts, calls, etc. Late night texting and calling cause both teens to lack sleep. The best way to
Improve sleep deprivation is to turn off cellphones, Putting it in non reachable places, or even giving to parents so that you won't be pressured to answer text messages or calls. Sleep is a vital source of energy, we all function better after a good night rest. So turn the phone off, and lights out. 
          When you have a cell phone buzzing, an email blinking in the corner of your screen, a new Facebook message, a tweet, and youre favorite game popping up into you're screen saying " play again? ", it's going to be a little challenging trying to focus on school work. When writing essays, figuring out math problems or working on any type of school work we all feel the need to give ourselves our own little break. We say " ehh, I'll just play on my phone for a while then finish up later " but eventually we forget about our unfinished work and become to focused to our screens. According to an article called storage craft, It seems that procrastination and the inability to focus are inexorably tied. We procrastinate when we are bored, but boredom can likely be traced to an inability to continue focusing on the project and that lack of focus is excerbaged by all distractions we have around. Since we interact with so much constant stimul, it becomes taught to focus on anything for to long. A much better technique is to focus on a task at hand, get it done with no distractions from you're cellphone, and move on to the next. Stay focused on school work rather then you're screens. 
           Cellphones have become an every day facet of our lives. This allows us to stay connected to others with instant communication. Rather then directly talking to someone you can text, call, etc. However, cellphones have a potential to diminish our social skills. According to an article called Psych central, Cellphones has the ability to reinforce ineffective communication. Individuals can " hide behind a screen " to escape confrontation in friendships or relationships. Put down the phone and explore the world, Meet new people rather then just following them on social networks. 
         Cellphones can affect teenagers in a negative way. This can cause mental, physical and mental problems so you should limit yourselves to a certain time limit of cellphone use due to sleep deprivation, bad study habits, and lacking direct social skills. Just like everything else in the world, there are a pros and cons. You can reach out to someone for emergencies, Use the Internet for researching important information. You can also become to addicted , it all depends on how YOU choose to treat this invention. Will you revolve you're cellphones around you're lives? Or will you limit yourself?