Friday, November 8, 2013

Oceans of nothing, malina and kaz

Soon you may no longer be able to eat many of your favorite seafood due to overfishing and ocean disasters. Overfishing, climate change and pollution caused the reefs, mangroves, sea grass beds to devastate where fish hatch. 90% of the oceans big predators such as cod and tuna have been fished out of existence. The government should make laws stricter so the people can be more sustainable about our fish.
If you take fish for granted, soon there will be fish expenses and many will no longer be able to afford seafood. Each fisher should be aware of the depletion of fish, and limit himself or her to a certain amount. 29% of fished species have already become extinct. If the fishers do not consider overfishing, then the economy around fishing will be corrupted. The fish export trade had risen to 30 million tons. The value has also increased to $71 billion. The cost of fish will eventually rise, and anger people. This product is healthy and pescatarians commonly eat this to get protein. Everyone should be more sustainable about our fish. If we didn’t care about running out of fish, then there would be no more to eat. That would be terrible for the world and there would be no fish to eat. We should not waste our fish because it would also mess up our food chain. Overall, we should care about our fish and do things to sustain the organism.
Over the years, the amount of fish has been decreasing due to overfishing and rampant coastal development. This devastating fact could put fishermen out of their jobs. The government should make laws, and limit the fish we catch to sustain it’s life. The world would be drastically changed without fish. What would happen to aquariums? Soon, the fish could become extinct, and mess up this whole world because of us.

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