Friday, May 22, 2015

quarter 4 portfolio
I learned from Malina's experiences in menemac that she learned and grown a lot from this program. Ive seen all her work improve throughout this year and I love reading her portfolios. She lacked in a lot of subjects but this program helped her excel.

Monday, April 13, 2015

macbeth: Soliloquy

What can I do to stop all this pain? This guilt? Theres no way out now. I just killed my loyal friend duncan just to be king. He didn't deserve this, and i definitely don't deserve to be king.  I figured killing duncan will make me and my lady happy, well I thought wrong. As long as I obeyed my lady and wasn't a coward was all that mattered to me. I can't stop all this killing until I get a crown on my head and no one will get in my way. How will i keep this secret to myself? What if someone suspects me of killing duncan? This is driving me crazy and I'm turning into a mad man!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


6.) Yes she is a cold-blooded murderer, Even though she wasn't the person to literally kill king duncan she was the person behind it all. She was the one that framed the two guards by taking blood and putting it on the guards, and she put the dagger back in their hands.
7.) Lady macbeth faints in act II to make it not look suspicious and to look innocent. It works because it fooled Malcolm, Macduff, and Donalbain and she was carried away.
8.) The death of duncan haunts him and he feels completely guilty. Macbeth starts to say things that could give him and his wife away after seeing his body. They are trying their best to keep the murder low-key and not showing any suspicion.
9.) Lady Macbeth didn't kill the king herself because Duncan looked like her father when he was sleeping.
10.) Being a king isn't an easy job , He would have a lot of responsibilities. He will also have to deal with that guilt forever and hope that no one suspects him from murdering king duncan or that could ruin everything

PART TWO:1.) "My hands are the same color as yours - but I'd be ashamed to have a heart as white as yours!" (pg. 73)

2. Macbeth "Oh, how I wish now I hadn't lost my self-control and killed them!"
Macduff "Why did you then?" (pg. 85)

3.)"Where's that knocking? What's happened to me, that every noise scares me? Whose hands are these? They're plucking my eyes out! Is there enough water in the oceans to wash my hands off this blood? No! More likely my hands will stain the vast green seas blood-red." (pg. 73)

4. "Oh no! They have wakened and it isn't done. We'll be ruined if we've bungled it. Ssh! I left the daggers ready. He couldn't miss them. If Duncan hadn't looked like my father in his sleep, I'd have done it myself." (pg. 69)

5.) "The wine that has made Duncan's guards drunk has made me bold; what has drowned them has given me fire. What's that? Listen ! It was an owl hooting, that fatal night-watchman, who given the grimmest good-night. Macbeth is doing the murder." (pg. 47; 1-4)

Monday, April 6, 2015

PART ONE: 3/31

1.) The relationship between macbeth and lady macbeth is that they love and care about each other very much. They have a really close bond and are like partners in crime even though lady macbeth is pretty much in charge and tells macbeth what to do.
2.) Macbeth decides to murder duncan because lady macbeth tells him to and that the witches said that killing him would make him the next king.
3.) Macbeth seems to have two sides. He had courage and brave after fighting in the war but now seems like a monster and is power hungry for deciding to kill the king.
4.) I think macbeth will get away with the murder because no one would suspect him of killing duncan since very one looks at him in a good way. They planned the murder perfectly to make it seem as if duncan never did it but the guards did it.
5.) I do not think macbeth should murder duncan. Duncan doesn't deserve to be killed because its not like they have anything against each other. Eventually someone will find out and he will have to pay for his consequences.

1.) If we could get away with the deed after it's done, then the quicker it were done, the better. If the murder had no consequences, and is death ensured success... If, when I strike the blow, that would be the end of it - here, right here, on this side of eternity - we'd willingly chance the life to come. (Act 1 Scene 7 Page 55)

2.)All hail, Macbeth! You'll be king one day! (Act 1 Scene 3 Page 31)

3.)You shall be king. (Act 1 Scene 3 Page 35)

4.)Brave Macbeth - he well deserves that name! (Act 1 Scene 2 Page 23)5.)

5.) "What monster was it then that made you share this scheme with me? When you dared to do it, then you were a man." (pg. 57)

6.)"We fail? Just screw up your courage to the uttermost, and we won't fail." (pg. 57)

7.)"We teach the art of bloodshed, then become the victims of our own lessons. This evenhanded justice makes us swallow our own poison." (pg. 55)

8.) "I'm settled it then. All my faculties shall be devoted to this terrible deed. Let's go and pass the time as perfect hosts. We must conceal our false hearts behind false faces." (pg. 61)

9.)"We will speak further about it. Just look innocent ---- a troubled face is always dangerous. Leave all the rest to me." (pg.31; 68-70)

10.) "Welcome him with your eye, your handshake, your conversation. Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent hidden underneath it. For Duncan's coming, preparations must be made, and you must put this night's important business under my direction." (pg. 31; 61-65)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

macbeth anticipation guide

1.) Nuetral. I agree and disagree with this because we don't need someone in order to be great or do great things, If you have a good mindset and goals you would be able to succeed no matter who is by your side. At the same time having someone be by your side and support you will be able to push you farther in life. A personal experience would be when my parents divorced, they were still great and successful people without each other.
2.) Agree. Witches, demons and evil spirits exists because we can see them all around the world. With every good thing that happens there are also bad. Some people may be influenced by these evil spirits which causes them to do horrible things. I personally witnessed this by watching paranormal activity and the exorcist, these two true movies show all of these 3 things.
3.) Disagree. If you want something really bad it shouldn't cause you to do something negative in order to get it. It seems selfish and unfair to do something wrong just to get what YOU want. A personal experience would be after reading the book night, hitler killed innocent people just to get what he wanted in the end.
4.) Agree. If you do something horrible to someone it will turn against you and cause you pain. You can't just screw over someone and expect that you won't get hurt in the end. Karma will eventually come back 10x harder and make you learn your lesson. I experienced this by having someone hurt me and karma came right back to that person by making them go through the same exact pain.
5.) Agree. We all want things/ person even though they aren't good for us.Sometimes we are to caught up about how good they are we don't think about the consequences. Even though we may want it at the moment it won't be good for us in the future. I experienced this by wanting to be with my best friend but realizing that if things don't work out it may ruin our friendship.
6.) Disagree. If you don't like the way the person is ruling their country you should talk to them about what you want to be done in order to make the country better. If they overthrow, others may not like the way they are ruling also. After watching the interview the lady over threw the korean leader but made the kingdom a better place for their country.
7.) Disagree. No matter how worse a situation gets you should never think about ending someones life. murdering someone is never the answer because you would have to live with that guilt forever and will be punished. That person may have kids, wife and a family so they should think about how they would feel. After watching scenes where people murder innocent people on the news it makes me realize how selfish people may be by ending lives.
8.) Agree. You have to go through a lot to be successful, it is not easily handed to you. You may lose friendships to get where you want to be but at the end it will be worth it because you may finally reach your goal. I experienced this with my dad, He had to move place to place and let go of friends in order to get better job offers.
9.)Disagree. When you are known as a leader it could be a bad thing if you are leading them to do the wrong doings. There are many horrible people in this world and it is not gods fault that they do these horrible things. I witnessed this after hearing about what hitler did, god did not want it to go that way and hitler was leading people to do the wrong things.
10.) Disagree. You can have a good or bad day depending how YOU make it. You can wake up and have a positive attitude or wake up with a negative one and automatically have a bad day ahead of you. I witness this every day, We have the power to make ourselves have a great day or a bad day. It depends on our attitudes.
11.) Disagree. If someone messes up once it doesn't mean they should die. Its all about giving people a second chance. Sometimes we need to mess up to realize what kind of person you want to be. I experienced this by forgiving someone who backstabbed me. They learned their lesson and is now a really good friend.


1.) I do not believe that evil is ingrained in human nature. When a new born is welcomed in the world it doesn't automatically become evil or have evil thoughts. People are able to make their own decisions in life, some make goods ones and some make bad which then causes them to become evil. People also go through different obstacles which can also cause them to have an evil mindset on things. Being around evil people may cause you to be evil or you may be influenced by negative things growing up which is caused by the environment and society. A philosophy by Locke was the " tabula rasa " which was a theory that at birth the human mind is a "blank slate". It is the persons decision to fill in that blank slate with good or bad choices.
2.) I feel like our lives are determined by both. We can change our lives in any moment we wanted. We have total control in anything we want to do. I feel like everyone has a fate also, our fate can be connected to our free will when making decisions . Even though we may not know what our fate is i believe that they're is a plan for everyone.
3.) Redemption is possible. Its always good to give someone a second chance when they prove to you how sorry they are and if they are willing to change. We all make mistakes, but its all about learning from those mistakes to become a better person. Even though someone may have done evil things they should use that as motivation to become a better person each and every day. We should never give someone a second chance for the same situation though. If they have not learned their mistake the first time they shouldn't deserve to have continuous chances because that just proves that they don't deserve it and will never change.
4.) It is possible but hard to admire and respect someone that you know has genuine evil. After knowing what someone is capable of its hard to look at them the same way afterwards. How will we know they will change? We don't, because after they choose that path of evil they are capable of making any choices they want. Many people admired and looked at Hitler as a leader even after all the horrible things he did to innocent people.
5.) The ends to not justify the end because if someone uses evil methods to acquire a goal, that goal is forever polluted because that person did not truly achieve their goal and the things they did was not real success but rather planned and fake. A real goal is when you do the right thing and thats when you can truly say you've achieved a goal and deserve to say you've accomplished and earned something.