Hawaii isn't a " paradise" or a perfect place to live, there are many issues and flaws. One of these issues is homelessness. Homelessness is a government issue, buisness issue, public health issue, public safety issue, civil-liberties issue, and a social-justice issue. The big problems about homelessness is the large homeless population, camping in many places, and the high cost of living. Hawaii isn't just a vacation spot for tourists but also to homeless people that make it a problem in Hawaii.
The homeless population is increasing more and more. The number of homeless in Hawaii increased 61% since 2000 and soon the numbers may increase. Rather then avoiding this issue we should come up with more solutions such as helping them get jobs and make money to get them back on there feet. Currently, more than 6000 people live on the streets in the entire U.S. Living on the streets where rape, robbery and horrible weather happens is a big threat to homeless people. Living on the streets can be a very terrifying feeling with barely having any food,and all the assaults and tragedys toward the homeless people. The more we help and take out of the streets is the less injuries and illness we have to risk for our people.
Homeless people in Hawaii are setting up camps to sleep in many different places, Now just walking down streets or beaches you will see many lined up. Residents and visitors complain to officials about homeless camps in parks and beaches, and about homeless people walking the streets, scouring trash cans and dumpsters, asking for handouts, and begging money in stores and shopping malls.It isn't safe and very unsanitary for the people to see homeless everywhere and if they need somewhere to stay they should go to the homeless shelter where its a place you can rely on.Now that the number of homeless is increasing, Tourists and people from different islands have started to notice the big homeless population which is giving them negative thoughts about our island. According to a comment on a travel website one tourist said " I really cannot fathom visiting Hawaii again. The homeless, stench of homeless and rampant crime from gangs have totally turned me off to this once beautiful place ." Homeless may give negative thoughts about our island to our visitors.
It is not difficult for someone to become homeless from the very high cost of living in Hawaii. According to the U.S census data, the states increase in proverty is among the highest in the nation. Using your money for the right things is very important rather than spending it on unimportant things, then they will be able to afford a place to stay and meals to eat. It is difficult for low-income individuals and family's to find affordable housing, about 11.5% of Hawaii's population is living in poverty. There should be people to help lead homeless people in the right direction and help them maintain there money.
In conclusion, Homeless population, camping in many places and the high cost of living are big issues that all lead to homelessness. Hawaii isn't just a place where tourists stay but also for the homeless people that make it a big problem in Hawaii. If we don't stop this problem, The homeless issue may start to get worse.