Friday, March 28, 2014

Merchant of Venice

  • Don’t rely on outward appearances when making judgments. : I agree with this because you should never judge someone by the way they look our you're firstt thoughts  of them.  This reminds me " Never judge a book by their cover ".  You never truly know someone unless you talk to them and open  up to each other. 
  • Justice is always blind.: I agree with this because justice is not always fair. When someone does a crime and says " no, he did it " they  would actually listen to him and hunt that person that he accused. Justice should learn to be more fair and more accurate when it comes to crimes.
  • A brotherly love between two friends can be just as strong as an intimate love between a man and a woman.: I agree with this because you can basically love anyone in the world and it doesn't meen if it's between two girls , two guys, or a girl and a guy . Even though it seems like brother friendships aren't as close as girl friendships I believe that they can be just as close. 
  • You can break a promise as long as you have a good excuse: I agree with this, if you cover up all you're mistakes often someone will buy that exuse and let it go. If someone was suppose to go out with their friend but actually just stayed home they could had said " oh sorry I diidnt know what time to meet you " I'm sure they would buy that Exuse. 
  • Love is blind.: I agree with this because when you're in love with someone you never do see the negative things they do to you. Also when someone shows affection to you such as bringing you flowers you might just be like " uh no thanks.... " but you're not seeing that someone actually likes you. Another reason I agree is that when you have a crush on someone but another person likes you , you might try to push them away but in reality they love who you are. 
  • Stereotypes are often right.: I actually agree with this because  when people say bad things about each other they are actually true. Like when people say " people from Hawaii act like bangaahs "  it's true because people from Hawaii actually act like that which make other people think that. Often people will spread rumors around then everyone will think that. 
  • An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is a good motto to live by.: I agree with this because this reminds me of " revenges ". When someone does a bad thing to do you can also do a bad thing for them. This is also fair because you wouldn't want someone to hurt you mentally and physically without the other person feeling what you went through. When someone hurts me it makes me want to hurt them too because they never will truly understand what they did.

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