Tuesday, August 19, 2014

blog revision

I changed my blog by making it look a little more mature and organized for a fresh start of sophomore year. This time I uploaded a header, my header involved cheerleading which is something I love doing the most and pushes me to work my best by maintaining my grades In order to cheer and always giving my 100% to everything I do. The quote on my header was " Dreams don't work unless you do ", I feel like this quote is perfect for any situation such as school, cheerleading, etc.  In order to reach you're dreams you have to work for it and not sit on you're butt expecting things to be handed to you.  Rather then last year when my blog archive was really messy and confusing I organized it by months, this makes it more easy to find essays or assignments I did in the past.


  1. Hi Maleeennnz. I really like your header. Even though its simple, it's really nice. It represents you well. Good Job (:

  2. Heyyy! I really like the pictures you chose for your header. I think you could've made it a little smaller in order for us to see the whole thing at one time. Other than that it really matches your personality and the rest of your blog.
