Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Journal practice 2

A.) Dehuminization: to deprive of human qualities or attributes; divest of individuality

B.) The behavior of the prisoners changed in many ways, their mindset before was to care about each other and to make sure everyone was safe survives. Now its every man to themselves by doing whatever it takes to survive. Everyone is starving to death and now they would beat up a man just to get one bite of a piece of bread. 

 c) Elizers faith for god is starting to dissapear. He was at angry and god and questioned him, why would he let this happen? When the Jews were burned in the crematory and were being hunged on the gallows he was quiet and just stood by and watched his father and innocent prisoners be punished. Eliezer did not stand up for them but just watched.  

Pg. 52 " I had watched the whole seen without moving. I kept quiet. In fact I was thinking of how to get father away so that I would not be hit myself. What is more, any anger I felt at that moment was directed, not against the Kapo, but against my father. I was angry with him, for not knowing how to avoid idea's outbreak. That is what concentration camp life had made of me."

Pg. 63 "What are You, my God," I thought angrily, "compared to this afflicted crowd, proclaiming to You their faith, their anger, their revolt? What does Your greatness mean, Lord of the universe, in the face of all this weakness, this decomposition, and this decay? Why do You still trouble their sick minds, their crippled bodies?"

Pg. 65 " My eyes were open and I was alone-terribly alone in a world without God and without man. Without love or mercy. I had ceased to be anything but ashes, yet I felt myself to be stronger than the Almighty, to whom my life had been tied for so long. I stood amid that praying congregation, observing it like a stranger." 

Pg. 61"  The three victims mounted together onto the chairs. The three necks were placed at the same moment within the nooses. "Long live liberty!" cried the two adults. But the child was silent. "Where is God? Where is He?" someone behind me asked."

Pg. 77 " My neighbor, the faceless one, said: "Don't let yourself be fooled with illusions. Hitler has made it very clear that he will annihilate all the Jews before the clock strikes twelve, before they can hear the last stroke." I burst out: "What does it matter to you? So we have to regard Hitler as a prophet?" His glazed, faded eyes looked at me. At last he said in weary voice: "I've got more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He's the only one who's kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people."

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